I have a working zenphoto site (version 1.2.6) on my development server and I would like to move it to another server. But I just found out that that server only has mysql 4.0.24 and version 1.2.6 requires 4.1.
Is it possible to install it anyway and do you have any idea what the consequences would be?
Or would it possible to use 1.2.5 instead and re-import the backup or database?
The obvious suggestion would be to move to another hosting company however this is a project for a client so the options are limited.
Also, what does: MySQL SQL mode [SET SESSION failed] mean on the setup page?
Thanks for the help!
Btw, the current release is 1.2.8.
Setup should have told you what to do about that.
How do I complete the setup with the MySQL error? There is no 'go' button. Should I edit setup.php to change the required version?
As for the SET SESSION error: accented characters are used so I have to be careful with this one. However Setup.php only tells me the following: "This option applies only to new files and folders created by Zenphoto. You may have to change permissions on existing ones to resolve problems."
Could you please clarify.
Once again thanks for the help!
Thanks anyway.