1st off - this looks like a great product and just got it running and installed fine.
My first Q however, which I can't find anything on.
I want to give a few users upload rights to a specific album. However I don't want them to be able to do anything to the album. I tried giving a user upload - and selected my "test" album in managed album. However from here they can still create a sub-album.
I also want them to be able to title/add descriptions etc to the photos they've uploaded - also edit them, and delete them. So I turned on the "Ablum" right too. This allows them to do everything to every photo in that album.
Essentially what I want is to set up a user, who can upload photos to the specified album, not create sub albums, be able to title/amend/delete their own photos - but not do anything else.
Is that possible?!
Is there any workaround to what I want to achieve? Essentially managing your own photos only?
So I have now set up a managed gallery for UserA, UserB and UserC - so they have full access to their own gallery and their own pics etc.
On a page I then want to display ALL the photos in these 3 galleries, in date order, but to the viewer not separate them by gallery folders, just 1 big photo repository. Is there a function to do this?
So I am really not interested in gallery structure or breadcrumb menu etc - just want to dump all the uploaded images from any gallery on the page and allow visitors to see them all.