if you use an Internet Explorer this will not play the video:
http://www.dev.bregler.net/video/1Video.flv.phpthis is the javascript error :
http://www.bregler.net/backup/flow.pngPlease see the Jscript code below which gives the error..
Is it the extra comma after 'buttonOverColor:' ?
Besides that I see nothing wrong.
I use the plugin straight out of the box.
Has anyone come across this ?
As it says in the header only IE has problems with this.
Any idea anyone on how to fix this ?
flowplayer("player","/zp-core/zp-extensions/flowplayer3/flowplayer-3.1.5.swf", {
plugins: {
controls: {
backgroundColor: "#110e0e",
backgroundGradient: "none",
autoHide: "never",
durationColor: "#ffffff",
progressColor: "#ffffff",
progressGradient: "low",
bufferColor: "#275577",
bufferGradient: "low",
sliderColor: "#ffffff",
sliderGradient: "low",
buttonColor: "#567890",
buttonOverColor: "#999999",
canvas: {
backgroundColor: "#000000",
backgroundGradient: "none"
},playlist: [
scaling: "scale"
autoPlay: true,
autoBuffering: true,
scaling: "scale"