Custom crop tool not saving selection

Hi all,

I have installed Zenphoto successfully and configured the crop size for my theme to be 32x32 pixels. I am using printImageThumb() and this all works well with the correct size thumbnails produced. Problem occurs though, when I try to use the thumbnail crop tool to pick the area of the main image to use as the thumbnail. It appears that the selected coordinates are not saved and the system continues to use the centered version of the thumbnail. Made sure that I have saved the intended crop and also cleared the cache but with no luck.

Here's my setup info
# Zenphoto version 1.2.8 [4881] (Official Build)
# Current gallery theme: brett-brogan
# PHP version: 5.2.8
# Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
# PHP memory limit: 96M
# MySQL version: 5.0.67.d7

Apologies in advance if this has been answered previously, I've looked thoroughly through the the forum topics and have only found this thread, which resembles the problem I am having.

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What browser are you using?
    Did you clear the image cache after changing the crop?
    Do you use maybe the html cache plugin?
  • Tried in both Mac FF 3.5, Safari 4.0
    Cleared the image cache and no html cache plugin.

    The tool to make the selection functions, but then the crop selection is not taking effect once the 'Save' button is hit from the admin page. As I understand it, the selection coordinates should be saved to the database. This doesn't appear to be happening.

    I've activated the crop from the theme options and have set the dimensions to 32x32. Not sure if it helps, but the aspect ratio is being respected in that I can only make selections that are equal height and width. Just seems to want to keep the original centered crop.

  • Are you sure that the theme is honoring the custom crop?
  • The custom crop selection is not even saved. The crop tool shows the correct preview but when I hit Save, that selection is not the thumbnail displayed in both the resultant admin images page and hence the theme.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I can not reproduce that with the latest nightliy build and Safari 4 on Mac.
  • Thanks, I'll try the latest build.
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