adsense problem

i want to add an adsense of google in my zenphoto theme. i tried to modify the album.php page, but no result. Please tell me where i should put the code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<?php define('ALBUMCOLUMNS', 3);

define('IMAGECOLUMNS', 5);

if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();

$_noFlash = false;

if ((($personality = getOption('Theme_personality'))!="Simpleviewer") || !getOption('mod_rewrite')) {

$_noFlash = true;

} else { // Simpleviewer initialization stuff

if (isset($_GET['noflash'])) {

$_noFlash = true;

zp_setcookie("noFlash", "noFlash");

} elseif (zp_getCookie("noFlash") != '') {

$_noFlash = true;


// Change the Simpleviewer configuration here













// End of Simpeviewer config


if (!isset($_GET['format']) || $_GET['format'] != 'xml') {

$themeResult = getTheme($zenCSS, $themeColor, 'effervescence');

$firstPageImages = normalizeColumns(ALBUMCOLUMNS, IMAGECOLUMNS);

if ($_noFlash) {

$backgroundColor = "#0"; // who cares, we won't use it

} else {

$backgroundColor = parseCSSDef($zenCSS);


header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');

?><?php zenJavascript(); ?>
<title><?php echo getBareGalleryTitle(); ?> |
<?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?></title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type"
content="text/html; charset=<?php echo getOption('charset'); ?>" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $zenCSS ?>"
type="text/css" />
<?php $oneImagePage = false;

$show = false;

switch ($personality) {

case 'Simpleviewer':

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$_zp_themeroot/scripts/swfobject.js\"></script>\n";

$oneImagePage = true;


case 'Slimbox':

echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$_zp_themeroot/slimbox.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" />\n";

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$_zp_themeroot/scripts/mootools.v1.11.js\"></script>\n";

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$_zp_themeroot/scripts/slimbox.js\"></script>\n";


case 'Smoothgallery':

echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$_zp_themeroot/\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" charset=\"utf-8\" />\n";

echo "<script src=\"$_zp_themeroot/scripts/mootools.v1.11.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n";

echo "<script src=\"$_zp_themeroot/scripts/\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n";

setOption('thumb_crop_width', 100, false);

setOption('thumb_crop_height', 75, false);

$oneImagePage = true;

$show = getOption('Slideshow') || (isset($_GET['slideshow']));



echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$_zp_themeroot/scripts/bluranchors.js\"></script>\n";

global $_zp_current_album;

<body onload="blurAnchors()">
<?php if ($personality == 'Smoothgallery') { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
function startGallery() {
var myGallery = new gallery($('smoothImages'), {
timed: <?php ($show) ? print 'true' : print 'false'; ?>
</script><?php } ?><!-- Wrap Header -->
<div id="header">
<div id="gallerytitle"><!-- Subalbum Navigation -->
<div class="albnav">
<div class="albprevious"><?php $album = getPrevAlbum();

if (is_null($album)) {

echo '<div class="albdisabledlink">« '.gettext('prev').'</div>';

} else {

echo '<a href="' .

rewrite_path("/" . pathurlencode($album->name), "/index.php?album=" . urlencode($album->name)) .

'" title="' . html_encode($album->getTitle()) . '">« '.gettext('prev').'';


?> </div>
<!-- albprevious -->
<div class="albnext"><?php $album = getNextAlbum();

if (is_null($album)) {

echo '<div class="albdisabledlink">'.gettext('next').' »</div>';

} else {

echo '<a href="' .

rewrite_path("/" . pathurlencode($album->name), "/index.php?album=" . urlencode($album->name)) .

'" title="' . html_encode($album->getTitle()) . '">'.gettext('next').' »';


?> </div>
<!-- albnext --> </div>
<!-- header --><!-- Logo -->
<div id="logo"><?php printLogo(); ?> </div>
<!-- gallerytitle --><!-- Crumb Trail Navigation -->
<div id="wrapnav">
<div id="navbar"> <span><?php printHomeLink('', ' | '); ?>
<?php if (getOption('custom_index_page') === 'gallery') {

title="<?php echo gettext('Main Index'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('Home');?>

|<?php }

?> <a
href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getGalleryIndexURL());?>"
title="<?php echo gettext('Albums Index'); ?>"><?php echo getGalleryTitle();?>
|<?php printParentBreadcrumb(); ?> </span><?php printAlbumTitle(true);?> </div>
<!-- wrapnav --><!-- Random Image --><?php if (isAlbumPage()) {printHeadingImage(getRandomImagesAlbum()); } ?> </div>
<!-- header --><!-- Wrap Subalbums -->
<div id="subcontent">
<div id="submain"><!-- Album Description -->
<div id="description"><?php printAlbumDesc(true); ?> </div>
<!-- SubAlbum List --><?php $firstAlbum = null;

$lastAlbum = null;

while (next_album()){

if (is_null($firstAlbum)) {

$lastAlbum = albumNumber();

$firstAlbum = $lastAlbum;

<ul id="albums">
<?php } else {




<?php $annotate = annotateAlbum(); ?>
<div class="imagethumb"> <a
href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getAlbumLinkURL());?>"
title="<?php echo html_encode($annotate) ?>"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage($annotate, null, 180, null, 180, 80); ?>
<h4> <a
href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getAlbumLinkURL());?>"
title="<?php echo html_encode($annotate) ?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>

<?php }

if (!is_null($firstAlbum)) {


<?php }

<div class="clearage"></div>
<?php if (function_exists('printAlbumMap')) {

printAlbumMap(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, gettext('Google Map'), true, 'googlemap', $firstPageImages);


printNofM('Album', $firstAlbum, $lastAlbum, getNumSubAlbums());

<!-- submain --><!-- Wrap Main Body --><?php if (getNumImages() > 0){ /* Only print if we have images. */

if ($_noFlash) {

<div id="content">
<div id="main">
<div id="images"><?php if ($personality == 'Smoothgallery') {

if ($imagePage = isImagePage()) {

?><!-- Smoothimage section -->
<div id="smoothImages"><?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)){

if (isImagePhoto()) { // Smoothgallery does not do videos

<div class="imageElement">
<h3><?php echo getImageTitle();?></h3>
<p><?php echo getImageDesc();?></p>
title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>" class="open">

<?php printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, 540, null, null, null, null, null, 'full'); ?>
<?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle(), 'thumbnail'); ?> </div>
<?php }


?> </div>
<!-- smoothImages --><?php if (!$show) {

if ($imagePage) {

$url = htmlspecialchars(getPageURL(getTotalPages(true)));

} else {

$url = htmlspecialchars(getPageURL(getCurrentPage()));


echo '<p align=center>';

printLinkWithQuery($url, 'slideshow', gettext('View Slideshow'));

echo '</p>';



} else {

$firstImage = null;

$lastImage = null;

while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)){

if (!(($personality == 'Slimbox') && !isImagePhoto())) { // Slimbox does not do video

if (is_null($firstImage)) {

$lastImage = imageNumber();

$firstImage = $lastImage;

} else {



?><!-- Image thumbnails or no flash -->
<div class="image">
<div class="imagethumb"><?php $annotate = annotateImage();

if ($personality == 'Slimbox') {

echo "<a href=\"".htmlspecialchars(getCustomImageURL(550, null))."\"";

echo "rel=\"lightbox[".getAlbumTitle()."]\"\n";

} else {

echo '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL()) . '"';


echo " title=\"".$annotate."\">\n";


echo "";

?> </div>
<?php }


echo '<div class="clearage"></div>';

if (function_exists('printSlideShowLink') && ($personality != 'Smoothgallery')) {

printSlideShowLink(gettext('View Slideshow'),'text-align:center;');


if (getOption('enable_album_zipfile')) {

echo "<p align=\"center\">";


echo "</p>";


if (function_exists('printRating')) {

<?php printRating();

?><?php }


?> </div>
<!-- images --> </div>
<!-- main -->
<div class="clearage"></div>
<?php if (isset($firstImage)) printNofM('Photo', $firstImage, $lastImage, getNumImages()); ?>
<!-- content --><?php } else { /* flash */

if ($imagePage = isImagePage()) {

?><!-- Simpleviewer section -->
<div id="flash">
<p align="center"> <font color="#663300"><?php echo gettext('For the best viewing experience').' '; ?><a
href=""><?php echo gettext('Get Adobe Flash.'); ?></font>
<p align="center"><?php if ($imagePage) {

$url = htmlspecialchars(getPageURL(getTotalPages(true)));

} else {

$url = htmlspecialchars(getPageURL(getCurrentPage()));


printLinkWithQuery($url, 'noflash', gettext('View Gallery Without Flash'));

echo "</p>";

$flash_url = htmlspecialchars(getAlbumLinkURL());

if (substr($flash_url, -1, 1) == '/') {$flash_url= substr($flash_url, 0, -1);}

$flash_url = $flash_url . (getOption("mod_rewrite") ? "?" : "&") . "format=xml";

<script type="text/javascript">
var fo = new SWFObject("<?php echo $_zp_themeroot ?>/simpleviewer.swf", "viewer", "100%", "100%", "7", "<?php echo $backgroundColor ?>");
fo.addVariable("preloaderColor", "<?php echo $preloaderColor ?>");
fo.addVariable("xmlDataPath", "<?php echo $flash_url ?>");
fo.addVariable("width", "100%");
fo.addVariable("height", "100%");
fo.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
<!-- flash --><?php }

} /* image loop */

} else { /* no images to display */

if (getNumSubalbums() == 0){

<div id="main3">
<div id="main2">
<p align="center"><?php echo gettext('Album is empty'); ?></p>
<!-- main3 --><?php }


?><!-- Page Numbers -->
<div id="pagenumbers"><?php if ((getNumSubalbums() != 0) || !$oneImagePage){

printPageListWithNav("« " .gettext('prev'), gettext('next')." »", $oneImagePage);


?> </div>
<!-- pagenumbers --><?php if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) {

<div id="commentbox"><?php printCommentForm(); ?> </div>
<?php }

<!-- subcontent --><!-- Footer -->
<br style="" />
<?php printFooter();

<?php printAdminToolbox(); ?><?php } else {

header ('Content-Type: application/xml');

$path = '';

$levels = explode('/', getAlbumLinkURL());

foreach ($levels as $v) {$path = $path . '../';}

$path=substr($path, 0, -1);

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<simpleviewergallery title=""

textcolor="'.$textColor.'" framecolor="'.$frameColor.'"



imagepath="'.$path.'" thumbpath="'.$path.'">'; while
(next_image(true, 0, NULL, NULL, true)){ if (isImagePhoto()) { //
simpleviewer does not do videos
?> <img /><filename><?php echo getDefaultSizedImage();?></filename>
<!--[CDATA[" title="<?php echo gettext('Open In New Window'); ?>">
<font face="Times"><u><b><?php echo getImageTitle() ?></font></b></u>
</font><?php echo getImageDesc(); ?>]]-->
<?php }


echo "</simpleviewerGallery>";




  • please help, i tried so many ways but i can't...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Place the js code for that where you want it to appear. Of course you might need to modify the theme so that this actually look as expected...
  • i put the code in many parts of the album.php, but it doesn't work never..please tell me where to put the code...
    i would have it under the description of the album
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said you might need to modify the theme as there is of course not space for adsense planned.
  • but how? i don't understand english very well...if you know how to do, can you help me with the code
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, this exceeds limits of free support on this forum.
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