Black bg on .png and 6 column instead of 4

Hello Dear,
Sorry for my English, but i can't speak it very well.
I've a zenphoto album for my site but i've some problems about Thumb and Gallery Column.
My gallery is there:

Images are .png with trasparent bg, and when I upload there the bg become black, How can I modify this?

And, if I would 6 thumb and not 4 how can i do?

Thank you very much!



  • Sorry, but with the present graphics library that zenphoto uses there is no support for transparent images.
  • Oh.. so sad.

    And what about columns and rows?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There are no columns in HTML... Make either the thumbs bigger or modify the theme.
  • Hello,

    Now that Zenphoto uses ImageMagick, how can change the default behavior of PNG transparency from being black?

    Thank you!
  • Retaining transparency should be the default behavior. Unfortunately, the image type for sized images/thumbnails doesn't allow for transparency (stupid mistake on my part). I'll submit a patch to fix this.
  • Awesome! Thank you!
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