show images first in dyn album

by default all subalbums get displayed before images in dynamic albums.
Is this correct ?

Can someone point me to the where this is decided in the code ?
I am looking for a way to reverse this

For my needs I would like to see the mix of subalbums & images in a dynamic album following the set sort order as a whole, not seperatedly grouped albums & images.
Any thoughts ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You might want to review the theming tutorial about `album.php`or just look at the theme files itself to see why albums come first. Keyword: loops. So as always you need to change your theme.

    It is not possible to mix images and albums as they are printed by different loops. Of course it's just code so you surely could code a custom function who combines and sorts them mixed.
  • thanks,
    I did swap the 2 loops round in album.php but it did not have any effect...
    the albums still come first...hmmm do I need to refresh metadata ?
    I have played with the sortorders quite a bit... What does the refreshing do ?
  • ha, copied the files onto the webserver in 2 different ways. the FTP client did set alter the datetime on the file the other did not. that way ZP has set the datetime of it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Meta data refresh updates the database entries with the meta data (EXIF/IPTC) that is within hte images. If there is for example no date it takes the date of the file time itself (sbillard is the expert on these parts).
  • Be aware that the zenphoto pagination presumes that albums come first. If you change that don't use page links.
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