contact_form options

I'm trying to find how to change the default contact_form options but I can't find any documentation. I use contact form in CMS page.
It work fine if I just put that in code block:


<?php<br />
printContactForm( );



Now I need to change the shown fields and the default text. How can I do that ?
Thanks for help


  • Have you tried the options for the plugin?
  • I would like to but I can't find any documentation about how to use plugin options...
  • Oh, I just realised that I was searching in the wrong place....
    I was trying to code the options and I just saw that in the admin interface we can change everything...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For some plugins/functions there are both admin backend options and direct option parameters. This is mostly for those you can use in different places and instances so they need to be different. The contact form does not have parameters as you most likey only need one per site.
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