Hi, I have several questions about zenphoto gallery
Is it possible to have thumb, medium and full size image view? I need to be able to see image in medium size (about 500 px x 700 px) and after that to click on that image and/or text link witch will open new page with high resolution image. I need new page not just some pop-up or flash, or java script option for high resolution image, just normal page with static slean url with image on it and some text.
Is there any way to get image width, height, size (in px and kilobytes), credit, copyright, image file name (with and/or without extension), user name who uploaded image in custom text under image on image page (image.php)? I tried all bellow like this:
<?php echo getHeight(); ?>
and others ...
It is now working.
On the same way I managed to get file title, album title, album dade, hit counter, number of images in folder...
3. How to get click able thumbs of previous and next images on image.php page (like on zenphoto demo gallery on
http://www.zenphoto.org/zenphoto/impressionists/Pissaro+-+Les+chataigniers+a+Osny.jpg.php)? I am usin Zenpage-Default Malte Müller (acrylian) Version 1.2.6, 02/19/2009 theme but I can not see thumbs and do not know how to enable it.
4. Is it possible for visitors of site on gallery to register for an account? How to place register link anywhere on gallery? It will be good that users can upload photos but that I still need to moderate them.
5. How to get full url via http:// of current page with image (full size image, image.php file) and how to get full url via http:// of image source
2. You really should read on our documentation carefully. `getCopyright" for example is a class method and not a normal function. If you don't understand object orientation now is the time to start learning..;-)
3. Enable the `paged_thumbs_nav`plugin.
4. Enable the `register_user` plugin.
5. http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_template-functions.php.html#functiongetFullImageURL
Please do some searching yourself before posting lots of further questions and upgrade to the recent Zenphoto version.
1. I am reading theming tutorial already but it would be helpful if you can help with making extra page for full image view (after medium image view). I have lots of images in high resolution 5800 px with 3800 px and thumb, medium size image page and full image view page would be good.
3. I already tried with paged_thumbs_nav plugin. v1.2.7. It is working, but if I set number of thumb images to display (thumbs per page, I set 3, or any other number), and bigger size of them (Crop height, I set 120), it just disobey me. I can get exactly 6 thumbs in 40 px size. And I was thinking maybe there is some other solution.
4. I tried that (register_user plugin is enabled) but I can not see register link anywhere or something like that) I can just register new user with some rights when I login in admin area. Is there way that users can register without my interruption?
5. I already tried with that strings. For string getFullImageURL( ) and I get something like this:
/zp-core/full-image.php?a=...address of image with %2 instead of /... and at the end plus this &q=75 after file extension.
but this is what I need:
(or album folder instead cache folder)
And for string getImageLinkURL( ) I get:
address of page with image without http://www.my-site.com, OK I can write it before string to get full address, but it is not case with string getFullImageURL( )
Note that 5800 px with 3800 px are quite large images and if you don't have your own server this might cause troube. See the troubleshooting about that.
3. Well, if you change the size and number of the thumbs you also have to adjust the HTML/CSS.
4. Please upgrade to 1.2.8 as all standard themes have support to that plugin buidt in. If you want to use an older Zenphoto you have to add the specific functions to your theme yourself.
5. That is the protected full image url. Use `getUnprotectedFullImageURL() (please see the correct name in doc as I don't remember it right now). Or change the option on the backend.
Re: http://www.my-site-name.com/cache/folder-name/sub-folder/file-name.jpg
The full image is within http://www.my-site-name.com/albums/folder-name/sub-folder/file-name.jpg
The cache folder only contains full iamges if you set the option for caching it if using a watermark or such.
Re: getImageLinkURL( )
Yes, that is the relative path for the page. There are some constants like WEBPATH or FULLWEBPATH you will see on the standard themes.
2. I found way to get image width, height... I just need size in kilobytes, user name and copyright field, I hope I will figure it out.
3. Thank you, I will try adjust the HTML/CSS.
4. register_user plugin is working now. I just have some questions about it. I tried with different user privileges and I still do not know is this possible for visitor who register on site.
To submit image in any existing folder and to be able to edit names, comments on his images, but not to be able to edit or delete other images, folders.
If I am white when I set permission for user to have access to "Album" and "Manage all albums" then user can find his image and write description, custom data, location, city, state, copyright, credit but also can delete any image or folder.
If I do not set access to "Album" and "Manage all albums" then user can not submit images in existing folder/s.
Maybe this will be good (just my thinking).
Is it possible to black user from editing or deleting other images/folders but to provide access for adding custom data, location, city, state...
If I give access to "Manage all albums" and block access to "Album" on admin page user can submit image to any folder but it is blocked from editing and deleting images, and user can not add description, custom data, credit...
I am thinking it will be fine if I can provide fields to add description, custom data, credit and others on upload page. In that case user will be eable to fill that data and also user will be blocked from deleting and editing other images/folders. But I do not know is this possible?
Or any other idea?
5. Thank you, again
4. Please read the entry about user rights on our user guide section and search the forum.
I am willing to make donation or to pay you good if necessary?
I am serious about this.
I looked on Google your demo and few other sites from showcase which are using it, and Google do not see any images, just as I expected.
You can try:
In best case you can get few images of thumbs, and if you work to get proper search engine optimization (SEO) of image page you will maybe get medium size image, but when and how Google will see it, it is still a question.
This is why I need extra page, I need good static like extra page with nice URL (something like http://www.my-site-name.com/category/subcategory/image-name.jpg.(full-image).html
I guess that extra page will have link like above, maybe it will have different suffix or prefix (it will be great if I can get custom suffix or prefix, my own keyword(s) same for all pages or even better if I can customize it for any category. Generally some custom suffix or prefix even same for all pages will be great.
If I can not get extra page I will need to resize my images and to call them on image.php via <?php echo getMainSiteURL( ); ?><?php echo getUnprotectedImageURL( ); ?>
to get full URL via http>//www. and to avoid this zp-core/full-image.php?a= in image source code.
4. I can not find the good entry about user rights on user guide section or in forum about my problem with users.
I made user group with rights: "Manage all albums", "Post comments", "Tags", "View all", "Comments" and "Upload", user group do not have other rights ("Admin", "Zenpage", "Album", "Options", "Themes", and "Overview").
Now users can upload images but they can not write image description, custom data, location, city, state, copyright, credit...
Is there any way to get that on upload page or to grant rights to user to find his image and add it without possibility to edit or delete anything else?
A. How to know which user uploaded image, is there any way I can call user name, ID or credit field under image, and also copyright field?
By the way, you did not ask me, but maybe you will make use of this:
Zenphoto version 1.2.8 [4881] (Official Build)
Current gallery theme: zenpage-default
PHP version: 5.2.6
Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
MySQL version: 5.0.51
Is there any way you can help me? What you can do, do you have any proposition? If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
I have to admit that I prefer to think of sites for visitors first then for search engines and I find SEO sometimes taken a little too important..:-)
That Google & Co do not find the full images or images is probably related to our standard robot.txtx that dissallows access to the cache or the root albums folder. I tried my test page and I indeed do not find images directly but on the standard Google search I find a all pages the images are actually on.
Maybe try to adjust that?
If you want to skip the sized images (we call the medium sized image that way) you could of course use the full image on that direclty, too.
Re: `http://www. and to avoid this zp-core/full-image.php?a=`
This appears only if the full image is protected as the image is called not direclty then (in case you want to use a watermark it needs to be processed and cached).
The link to an extra theme page being a custom theme page, lets call it full-image-php, will have a link like this:
To get a nice url of course a new rewrite rule addition would be required.
4. See http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/07/an-overview-of-zenphoto-users/
If you set a user to "Manage all albums" he should be able to edit, delete and add all albums and all images. We have also upload rights.
A. No, except you assign an album to each user. We do not have user tracking. This might be possible to add to the custom data file using filters. I seem to remember that someone had done this already.
4. I read http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/07/an-overview-of-zenphoto-users/ (again and again
I need to provide possibility for user to easily add his data such as: image title, description, custom data, location, city, state, copyright, credit...
But not to be able to edit other images, folders, to delete or change anything else. It will be enough just to upload image and to fill title, description, credit, custom data, location, city, state, copyright. . . At least title, credit and one or two more fields which user can use for example to put address of his site, bog, or to add some note.
I tried with different rights, now new users have these: "Post comments", "Tags", "View all", "Comments" and "Upload", which I made standard for new registered visitors. User(s) can upload photos, but how to add above data?
A. Re: Can you "remember that someone had done this already" ? It is not must becouse I managed to get credit field and copyright field informations under image, so I can use that instead of user ID login name, but It still will be good option, it will provide new possibility (in that case I could use credit field for something else) of course if users can add it. (Question 4, again :-) )
B. Do you know how to get size of image (in kilobytes or MB) under image on image.php, and image file name with and/or without extension, like image-name.jpg or just extension like jpg, jpe, png, bmp? It is not so important, but if you can remember
Please tell me if you can help me with problems above and how and how much I will need to pay you?
You did not tell me, with new rewrite rule for extra page, how URL link would look like, with or without custom keywords? Also will I be able to add custom text, put previous and next thumbs, or links for previous and next image on extra page? It is not necessary, but at least some text I hope would be nice?
For some people SEO is important for others it is not, but most visitors coming from search engines up to 95% ,(of course it depend on type of site...). Good SEO will increase number of visitors. For example 95% - 99% present of visitors on my sites came from search engines (45% - 65% of that number are from image search). SEO is my specialty and I have good experience in SEO especially in image SEO.
If you give me address of your site I can try help you?
By the way I hope you do not have to much trouble with me, especially because English is not my first language
Normal URL: http://www.yourdomain.com/index.php?p=full-image&album=<albumname>&image=<imagefilename>
Rewritten that would probably look like this: http://www.yourdomain.com/page/full-image/<albumname>/<imagefilename>
Might be possible to change the "page" that is required for "custom pages" into just "full-image" but as rewrite rules are very tricky sometimes I couldn't guarantee that.
But from what you describe it is probably really the best to just use the standard image.php in the first place and just change the the display. Otherwise that page would just double what image.php already does.
4. Try "Edit" rights. To limit their rights you have to assign an toplevelalbum to them which will include all subalbums. However, it is not possible by design to assign rights to subalbums or specific images.
A. http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_template-functions.php.html#functiongetImageMetaData
B. Filename: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/classes/_Image.html#methodgetFileName
file extension: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_functions-basic.php.html#functiongetSuffix
file size: Just standard php: http://php.net/manual/de/function.filesize.php
(Btw, English is not my first language, too.)
I know, image.php and that extra full-image.php will be similar but I am planing to display image on image.php in standard resolution (from cache folder, about 600 x 400 px) and then to provide link to that image on full-page with original file (in my case files are up to 5800 x 3800 px, average dimensions are around 2500 px and file size is from 4 MB to 15 MB), that is why I need extra page.
And again, please tell me if you can help and how and how much I will need to pay you?
4. I am reading about "Edit" right but I can not find it anywhere when I login in zenphoto gallery. I found several posts on forum about my problems with users, but without solution. Is it possible for visitor who register to have upload right and to fill title, description, credit, custom data, location, city, state, copyright, but not to be able to delete or rename existing categories, subcategories, images? Basically there is not even need for new user to create new categories and subcategories, because I will create all, and if someone create some album I can moderate it before publishing.
B. I can not get filename, file extension and file size under image on image.php. I tried everything but all I get is something like this:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING....
or fatal error on line ...
This is what I tried:
For file name:
<?php echo getFileName( ); ?>
<?php getFileName( ); ?>
<?php $_zp_current_image->getFilename(); ?>
<?php ($image->getFileName()); ?>
<?php $_zp_current_image->getFilename(); ?>
For suffix, file extension:
<?php getSuffix($imgfile); ?>
<?php getSuffix ( ); ?>
<?php getSuffix( string $filename ); ?>
<?php string getSuffix( string $filename ); ?>
For file size, almost everything from http://php.net/manual/de/function.filesize.php
And nothing.
I do not know how to format php code. What exactly I need to paste in page to get it. I was looking on forum also and tried everything I found and nothing just errors.
BTW, what is your first language?
Regarding possible payment please contact me via the email adress on the linked site on my profile as this forum is not for commercial things. And my first language is German.
4. Sorry, forgot, that had been renamed. "Album" is the right to set for a specific toplevelalbum and "Manage all albums" is for all.
B: You should probably consider to learn the basics of PHP and as well as of Zenphoto before trying to do such things. Teaching this stuff exceeds clearly this forum (and would not be include in case you indeed hire me as well).
"get" functions do not print values, they just return. So you have to "echo" it or use the "print" equivalent if it exists.
`filesize` of couse needs the full link to the image.