I am trying to create a custom page where I display a bunch of info on a google map (using the location field). Right here, I'd like to iteratively grab the thumbnail of each gallery in question. Right now, I can do it with my own php code but only if a default thumbnail image is set. (i.e. I just look up the image in the thumb field and add a path to it).
Unfortunately, I have albums with many sub albums and no default thumb set. Zenphoto does a pretty good job of grabbing a random thumbnail from one of the subalbums for each album in the main index page.
I see that there is a function called printAlbumThumbImage(getAnnotatedAlbumTitle())
Can I use it for my one purpose by giving it an album id as an argument? If so, how? Can I for example say "printAlbumThumbImage(5)" to grab a thumbnail where albumid=5 (be it a root album or a subalbum).
In my mind you would need to develop a custom function in customfunctions.php in your themes folder. (i.e. have some PHP skills) check zpfocus theme for that !
in there it could work like this:
see example below
a) you pass in $thumbalbum ;
b) backup real $_zp_current_album
c) set new album depending on your parameter
d) revert to real current album at the end;
function printCustomAlbumThumbImage($thumbalbum=NULL,$alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {
global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_themeroot;
$orig_location = $_zp_current_album ;
if ($thumbalbum) $_zp_current_album = new Album($_zp_gallery, $thumbalbum);
if (!$_zp_current_album->getShow()) {
$class .= " not_visible";
} else {
$pwd = $_zp_current_album->getPassword();
if (zp_loggedin() && !empty($pwd)) {
$class .= " password_protected";
$class = trim($class);
if (!getOption('use_lock_image') || checkAlbumPassword($_zp_current_album->name, $hint)) {
$html = '
$html = zp_apply_filter('standard_album_thumb_html', $html);
echo $html;
} else {
if (getOption('thumb_crop')) {
$s = getOption('thumb_size');
$w = getOption('thumb_crop_width');
$h = getOption('thumb_crop_height');
if ($w > $h) {
$h = round($h * $s/$w);
$w = $s;
} else {
$w = round($w * $s/$w);
$h = $s;
$size = 'width="'.$w.'" height="'.$h.'"';
} else {
$size = '';
echo getPasswordProtectImage($size);
$_zp_current_album = $orig_location ;
The unique value for gallery items of Zenphoto never the ID, but the NAME. In case of albums this is the folder name (for subalbums that is `toplevel/sublevel/...`). Using that you can setup an album object for every album you want, independed from being "current".
So setup an album object:
- `$albumobj = new Album($_zp_gallery,"");`
- `$albumthumb = $albumobj->getAlbumThumbImage();`
I suggest to look at the classes.http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/classes/Album.html#methodgetAlbumThumb
Btw. since 1.2.8 any file named `functions.php` within a theme is loaded automatically as "customfunctions" (like Wordpress does).