We want to stream a concert using ZenPhoto
We have set it up with a jpg picture with the same name as the flv file and it shows very nice and it works
We would also like to give the viewers a chance to download the filmclip as some does not have a connection that support steaming.
Is there a way so when users click on a film it starts to download instead of playing in the flv player?
We are most likely going to work with .mov and .flv files
BTW thanks for a very good program

Kind Regards
href="<?php echo getUnprotectedImageURL() ?>"
Can you give me a quick hint what file i would be looking for this code?
Kind Regards
I would guess its the album.php where you see all the videos thumbails right ?
you need to find the while(next_image()) loop that creates the list of thumbs
and in there replace the href with what I suggested
hope this helps
Thanks for your fast responds
In the default template i found the "album.php"
I changed the code you suggested adding the ";" as in the old one
I then get the error in the browser:
Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or`';'' in C:\wamp\www\zenphoto\themes\default\album.php on line 45
Line 45 is refering to the href sentence that i put in
I am using the default template
Sorry but I am very new to PHP. DOes this make sence for you?
I wanted to paste the whole code in here but despite copy it into notepad and paste here, it changes when I saved it, so it seems like thats not possible
Kind Regards
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
P.S: to post code you need to use `backticks`.
Its working
I had put:
instead of
Because the old code had it that way.
I removed one ) and it works
Thanks alot for your help
Thanks for your note. yes it makes sence.
Just have to learn about the different concept
Kind Regards