download films instead of streaming them?

We want to stream a concert using ZenPhoto
We have set it up with a jpg picture with the same name as the flv file and it shows very nice and it works

We would also like to give the viewers a chance to download the filmclip as some does not have a connection that support steaming.

Is there a way so when users click on a film it starts to download instead of playing in the flv player?
We are most likely going to work with .mov and .flv files

BTW thanks for a very good program :)

Kind Regards


  • try

    href="<?php echo getUnprotectedImageURL() ?>"
  • Hi
    Can you give me a quick hint what file i would be looking for this code?

    Kind Regards
  • well this depends on how you use it.
    I would guess its the album.php where you see all the videos thumbails right ?

    you need to find the while(next_image()) loop that creates the list of thumbs
    and in there replace the href with what I suggested

    hope this helps
  • Hi
    Thanks for your fast responds :)

    In the default template i found the "album.php"

    I changed the code you suggested adding the ";" as in the old one

    I then get the error in the browser:
    Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or`';'' in C:\wamp\www\zenphoto\themes\default\album.php on line 45

    Line 45 is refering to the href sentence that i put in
    I am using the default template

    Sorry but I am very new to PHP. DOes this make sence for you?
    I wanted to paste the whole code in here but despite copy it into notepad and paste here, it changes when I saved it, so it seems like thats not possible

    Kind Regards
  • `

    <?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>
    P.S: to post code you need to use `backticks`.
  • Yes!!!
    Its working
    I had put:

    instead of

    Because the old code had it that way.

    I removed one ) and it works

    Thanks alot for your help :)

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just to note: Neither flvplayer nor flowplayer actually "stream" their multimedia files (they can be set up to do so but if you use Zenphoto managed files they don't). All files are loaded completely in the background. So users with slow connections will have to wait the same time either if they download or wait until the player loaded them. (Youtube for example works the same way).
  • Hi Acrylian
    Thanks for your note. yes it makes sence.
    Just have to learn about the different concept :)

    Kind Regards
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