prompted to download .mov files instead of opening Quick Time Player?

I got some good help from member "breglis" on how to get propted to download the fvl files instead of opening them in FVL player. That is working very well.

Now someone wants to add some .mov files as well and that gives me a new problem.

The changes we made for flv files does not apply for .mov files as this will open the program in quicktime plugin instead of propting for download.

Does anyone know if its possible to alter the code in the album.php some place to force it to propt for download instead?

Thanks again for a good helpfull forum

Kind Regards


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The code for displaying the Quicktime movies is within the video-class plugin. Generally all items supported are threatened the same way. Just that flv are displayed by hte flashplayers and Quicktime is by the browser if that is able to.
  • perhaps something like this could be adapted to what you need?

    the problem is that the quicktime plugin handles .mov files for the browser. so if it's installed and the browser sees a .mov, it sends it to quicktime to deal with it. you may also be able to tell people to right-click (ctrl click on mac) to download.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can modify anything you want to..;-) I generally don't like things starting to download automatically and prefer to give a visitor the choice to click on a link to do so actively.
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