I have a problem with zenphoto on my website. When i try to edit a comment and click on Save, i have this error :
Zenphoto Error
La requête MySQL ( UPDATE `zp_comments` SET `name` = 'Dylan Donckers', `email` = 'mister-du-7012@hotmail.com', `website` = '
http://xx-d-2y-l-2a-n-xx.skyblog.com', `comment` = 'Ah non pas la photo la xD pas belle mdr\'rr', `custom_data`='a:5:{s:6:\"street\";s:0:\"\";s:4:\"city\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"state\";s:0:\"\";s:7:\"country\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"postal\";s:0:\"\";}' WHERE id = 162 ) a échoué. Erreur : Unknown column 'custom_data' in 'field list'
Can you help me please? How can i fix this without upgrade zenphoto to 1.2.8 ?
Version installed : Zenphoto version 1.2.6 [4335]
Thank you very much!
case 'savecomment':
if (!isset($_POST['id'])) {
header("Location: " . FULLWEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/admin-comments.php");
$id = sanitize_numeric($_POST['id']);
$name = mysql_real_escape_string(sanitize($_POST['name'], 3));
$email = mysql_real_escape_string(sanitize($_POST['email'], 3));
$website = mysql_real_escape_string(sanitize($_POST['website'], 3));
$date = mysql_real_escape_string(sanitize($_POST['date'], 3));
$comment = mysql_real_escape_string(sanitize($_POST['comment'], 1));
$custom = zp_apply_filter('save_comment_custom_data', '');
if (!empty($custom)) {
$custom = ",
$sql = "UPDATE ".prefix('comments')." SET
= '$name',email
= '$email',website
= '$website',comment
= '$comment'".$custom." WHERE id = $id";query($sql);
header("Location: " . FULLWEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/admin-comments.php?sedit");
Fatal error: Call to undefined function snitize_numeric() in /home/www/98bec7b8fc1b151455689b24607faeaa/web/Diaporama/zp-core/admin-comments.php on line 84
So i fixed this error with this topic : http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=6024
" It is a typographical error. It is fixed in the nightly builds or you can simply change that line to say sanitize_numeric() "
So now i don't know what to do... maybe it helps for you...