Zenphoto 1.2.8 - Zenpage-Default theme
I'm working on a simple site using only Zenpage(using the printPageMenu()).
testsite (server is a slow starter)
In custom theme options I've selected a homepage.
All is fine except that I can't set the homepage link (home) to active.(there's no class assigned)
I'd like the homepage link to be active when you enter the site and also when you click it after visiting another page.
Any suggestions ?
The home page is internally not the `index.php` but in this case `pages.php` as that is loaded instead.
You still have to put a a hardcoded link and check for the page directly like `$_zp_current_zenpage_page->titlelink == ""`; Or you make a custom function out of it that also shows unpublished pages or this specific one.
I guess I also put a kind of `is_Homepage()` helper function on my list...
Ofcourse I like your idea of a helper function the most ;-)
Thanks again.