I know I'm not the only one having this error, and I've read the other posts, but none contain any answer to solve my problem, so here is what happens :
I created a backup of my db, then erased the zp-core and old theme directory. I then uploaded the new ZP, and tried to access the zp-core/setup.php file. But I had a "500 Internal Server Error"
I read a post where it says it might come from file permissions, so I open my ftp manager, and change the WHOLE site to 755 (to be sure
Then I try running zp-core/setup.php, and this time, the setup page shows. But as soon as I click on the "Go" button, the same error occurs ! And if I try to go back to the setup page, it doesn't work anymore.
So I get back to my ftp and noticed that all the php files of the zp-core directory are back to 644 permissions ...
So, first, sorry for the big story. Then : how should I do ? Each time I set the correct permissions, the setup reverse them to ones that don't work ... any solution ?
I just tried setting permissions to 777 but I have the 500 error. I've read that some hosts don't like 777 permissions for quite obvious security reasons.
But I'm pretty sure 755 is fine. As I described in my previous post, when I set permissions to 755, the setup displays. It's when I try to run it that it doesn't work anymore. And if I don't run the setup, my permissions are not touched.
It really seems to me that it's the setup script that is changing the permissions. But as I don't know how it works, I can't really check, or find a solution
What I don't understand is why did it work with my previous ZP install (1.2.6 if I remember well) But anyways, it works now and I'm happy. I just have a little modification to make to my share plugin since the getImageEXIFData() function doesn't seem to exist anymore
Thanks for your wonderfull work on ZP and the help !
getImageEXIFData() is deprecated and available if you enable the plugin for the deprecated functions. But best to update of course.