help me out here

Can someone tell me please, what part of the equation am i susposed to be editing?
$conf['mysql_user'] = "user";
is it the bit in the $conf[ ] or the bit after = "user"

forgive me, I am very new to this codeing lark


  • You are supposed to alter the word within the "" (user) to to the login to your MySQL database. For istance:
    $conf['mysql_user'] = "DB_loginname";

    Hope this is helpful
  • great - thanks - done it
    now i cant find the mysql database. i had it a moment ago.
    its name is BodgersPics and its on , what is the box asking for me? is it:
    $conf['mysql_database'] = "";
    because that what I put and it dont like it
  • I took out the mysql14...... melarky and it still dont work!
  • For those of you that are monitoring this thread.
    in view of the fact that when i run the setup.php i am getting "MySQL Error: Could not select the database - it would sound like a fault in the database its self.
    If that is the case what can i do about it - load the back up or drop it and start over?
  • hi all,
    this morning I got this message as I attempted to log on:
    MySQL Query ( SELECT *, (date + 0) AS date FROM albums WHERE `folder`='2006 0524 010 Windsor Castle' LIMIT 1; ) Failed. Error: No database selected
    Does this indicate a corrupt database or a miss configured config file?
    [my file names consist of "date"+"month"+"day"+"a sequential code"+"location"
  • Eventually I cleared out the entire zenphotos folder and reinstalled zenphotos and this time it took like a duck to water - there must have been a remnant left over from the previous install that was hooking the system.
    Many thanks to those who helped - i only have to figure out why I now get a "you don't have an index file in the zen-photo folder!
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