unwanted watermark shown on dyn. album thumbs

I have run into an issue where I see thumbail watermarks in dyn. albums despite the fact they are disabled for thumbs generally. Physical albums work fine though. Can you replicate the problem?

Please check:


  • my guess is that you've been turning off watermarks for each album, and not just turning them off in general. But that's just a shot in the dark. It appears they're off everywhere else. Not sure if you can set them specific for a dynamic album, I'll take a look. Hope I could help some.

    On second look, it appears most of your images thumbs have the watermark on them.

    Are you using default thumbs? Or are you using custom thumbs?
  • thanks micheall,
    You pointed me at the right direction, I discovered the option parameter on printCustomSizedImage now that sets the thumb flag. ($thumbStandin=TRUE)
    I feel a bit silly not checking better beforehand.
    Thanks for your help!
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