Hiyo! I'm just trying to figure out how to make the paged_thumbs_nav plugin use the custom cropped thumbnails done through the admin? The default crop is decapitating people, which I'd like to avoid if possible. I've tried setting the 'crop' option to true, false and NULL - none of which seem to do what I'm after.
I do believe there are some querks with setting the parameters directly in this function call, but they may have been fixed since my issue...
The first thumbnail is an example of the kind of cropping I want to avoid...
Regarding the "decapitating people" please try the nightly build where the standard cropping has been changed to the law of thirds so that should not happen anymore.
If anyone is interested, I made the Paged Thumbs Nav function use the custom cropping by replacing:
`echo "getCustomImage(null, $this->width, $this->height, $this->width, $this->height, null, null, true))."' alt=\"".strip_tags($image->getTitle())."\" width='".$this->width."' height='".$this->height."' />";
`echo "getThumb())."' alt=\"".strip_tags($image->getTitle())."\" width='".$this->width."' height='".$this->height."' />";`
And setting the thumbnail dimensions to something appropriate in the admin. I don't use the thumbnail pages, so this worked for me!