So for the album thumbnail - I've set the thumbnail size under Options > Themes > Crop Thumbnails to crop to 230x300px. All looks fine when I do my custom cropping of the thumbnails in admin view.
It has some issues when displaying however. I'm using:
<img src="<? echo getAlbumThumb( ); ?>" alt="<? echo getBareAlbumTitle(); ?>"/>
Which I thought should just grab the custom thumbnail I've created through the admin. It does crop the image to 230px wide, but for some reason is cropping the height then squishing it to 176px. This isn't an effect of the CSS - the thumbnail image itself is this size. a bit of experimenting, it looks like the thumbnail will happily crop correctly if the width is larger than the height, but if the height is larger than the width it crops + squishes. For example, I tried setting the height to 1300px with the width at 230px, and the squishing effect was several times worse than having it at 300px.
I've also tried using:
printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(), NULL, 230, 300, 230, 300);
But this doesn't take on my custom cropping.
Any ideas why thumbnail cropping doesn't work for portrait style images?
Do you want your thumbnails to all be landscape? If so just set the height variable to NULL.