Zen Photo scorns me

Is there something tricky about the ZP setup? I made a test db (on A Small Orange), made the adjustments to zp-config.php, and FTP'd it all to my server. But it refuses to recognize my usename or password. Is it a permissions thing? This is for a test site so the paths aren't complicated or anything...


  • Would I edit my .htaccess file is some way?
  • clear your cookies in your browser. This will normally fix your problem
  • Thanks for the tip, but clearing cookies didn't do it. The "error" is not defined, just a suggestion that I re-enter username and password.
  • not trying to be insulting but just clearing out the obvious(I am a network admin by day and run into this kinda stuff all day long)

    you are using admin (MUST BE ALL LOWER CASE) for the username right.

    have you tried changing the password in the zp-config.php to something sickeningly(is that a word) easy(like the default 1234) and see if that works?
  • Good morning.

    Interesting, changing the password to "1234" causes an error:
    "MySQL Error: Could not connect to the database server..."
    changing it back just gives me the user/password warning, so maybe at least that means it sees the DB, but doesn't like me.

    I tried "admin" but that doesn't work either (I had been using the name and password of the MySQL database).

    This kind of setup works fine for WordPress and PixelPost...
  • are you sure you didnt change the password for the database instead of the user logon? If not.. it sounds like there is something wrong with your zp-config.php. Try taking the zp-config.php.example and re-editing that for your settings and re-upload it to your server. Changing the user logon should not in any way change your database logon.
  • First of all, thanks for your help. Something you said made me try "admin" and "1234".

    I'm no genius, but the INSTALL text that comes with zenphoto says nothing about that default login info. That's why I kept trying the info I made the db with, which failed. Only the clear light of morning had me try admin and 1234. Trying out all these php apps with similar setup databases got to me.
  • does that mean you got it working?
  • Yeah (I hit the "resolved" dropdown...)

    Now on to http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=701
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