So I'm using the code below to include the latest news on my home page but it's not formatted. I have a couple lists and spaces between my paragraphs but it's displaying all strung together. When I view the news page by itself it's formatted but when included it's not.
$latest = getLatestNews(1);
foreach($latest as $item) {
$title = htmlspecialchars(get_language_string($item['title']));
$content = strip_tags(get_language_string($item['content']));
echo "<h3>".htmlspecialchars($title)."</h3>\n";
echo "<p>".htmlspecialchars($content)."</p>\n";
Any idea what I'm missing?
I've since changed the way I did it by simply "including" pages.php. I didn't try that at first because I didn't think it would be that easy. lol. It's all done now and looking awesome. All the content is zenpage and the gallery is zenphoto...I'm very happy with the way it worked out.
Just need to go over the content and re-organize the gallery...