Guide for adding rating to Highslide theme

Thought I'd share what I've learned in the past few days in trying to add rating to the highslide theme.

In addition to enabling the rating option using the ZenPhoto admin function, I
made the following changes to code and images:

Changes to album.php for the highslide theme (added call to printRating())
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)):?>

<div class="image">
<div class="imagethumb">" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)" title="<?=getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle());?>

<div id="star-rating">
<?php printRating(3,$_zp_current_image);?>

<p><? echo $i; ?></p>
<div class="highslide-caption">
" class="lightbox_quote_button">Request Quote
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Change to rating.php (added $_zp_current_image to global list)

function printRating($vote=3, $object=NULL, $text=true) {

global $_zp_gallery_page, $_rating_css_loaded,$_zp_current_image;

if (is_null($object)) {
$object = getCurrentPageObject();

Miscellaneous formatting and size changes made to :


to reduce the size of the rating stars
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