Now that I'm successfully logged into ZP's admin, I can't get it to show thumbs or images. Similar to some recent threads: uploaded OK, my albums and cache folders are at 777, but no picts: other items be set to 777 too?
Jim, can't offer too much help at this time, except to suggest that a mod-rewrite true helps to some degree. Do you have any thumbs in ur cache folder ?
I thought the ZP machine generated them, but there's nothing in the admin section about this. I did see something about Thumb sizes toward the bottom of zp-config.php, but I don't know what to make of it...
by the looks of your site.. it doesnt look like mod-rewrite is enabled. Are you using wamp server also?
after fudging around with wamp for a while and realizing that there is no shuch thing as chmod777 or whatever you want to call it on WAMP server.. that shouldnt make any difference.. what i found was that WAMP did not have the php_gd extension enabled by default.. once I enabled this.. everything started working as it should with mod-rewrite on or off. before I found this out.. I was having the same results you were having
Also, in my config file is:
`$conf['mod_rewrite'] = true;`
As far as the comment:
`MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.`
how in the world do I do that? I did find my server's htaccess file, but it's empty.
According to your config, you do have mod-rewrite but there is definatly a problem with .htaccess file.
If that helps, you know that the problems is with the rewriting. I had the same problem, and what did it for me was a look in the apache2-config, and making sure that you don't have a AllowOverride None in effect for the file scope in question.
When Chilifrei64 said "it doesnt look like mod-rewrite is enabled" I thought that meant it was supposed to be enabled (true). But "false" did it. Someday I'll understand the database side of php.
But now on to skinning!
For mod rewrite to work with zenphoto, it has to be enabled in 2 spots.
1. The server has to have it enabled.
2. if it is enabled and you want zenphoto to use it then the zp-config.php has to have it set to true.
now, jimhere.. according to your test.php.. modrewrite is enabled but it is not necessary. If you got it working i would just leave it but if you wanted clean url's maybe look into it more.