Hitcounters and dynamic albums..problem combination?

I'm beginning to think that my dynamic album model is what is keeping the image hitcounter field from being updated. Anyone out there use this combination and if so how did you get hitcounters to work? Are the image hitcounters supposed to be incremented by 1 each time a user visits a gallery page that they exist in?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    An image hitcounter is incremented if you view the individual image page. If it is not in dynamicalbums that might be a bug. In that case please open a ticket for that.

    We have several hitcounters for albums (1st page), Zenpage pages, news articles and news categories.

    Of course hitcounting must be enabled for the elements.
  • Hitcounters do work with images with dynamic albums, so there is something else here wrong.

    Just to be clear:

    The hitcounter for an image counts the number of times a "visitor" has viewed the image page. So, there is no count increment when a zenphoto user views the page nor if the image has been shown some other way from the image.php theme script.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is also not incremented if viewed by a logged in admin. (btw, the hitcounter can't be disabled...my fault).
  • If I understand you correctly, when you display a dynamic gallery page, all of the images on that page have their image table hitcounter database values incremented by 1. Could you share the function calls that increment the image table counter so I could trace my problem down? A previous programmer may have done something to cause this. Where might I find documentation on the hitcounter function? For your information, I'm running version 1.2.8 [4881] under PHP 4.4.8 and MySQL 4.1.25. On a related note, my highslide themes use album.php , not image.php to dispaly the images in the dynamic albums. Could this be the issue?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The hitcounter for an images is only incremented if you view the image.php page, not on the album.php page. So highslide will not work. This is the reason why we ask to post as much info as possible (see the forum rules).

    The hitcounting is incremented on the root index.php file and it is done using the object model not a direct function. Besides all functions are documentated on our site.
  • Thanks for your reasearch and help
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