Zenphoto 1.2.9 is released

We are pleased to announce that a new release of Zenphoto, version 1.2.9, is now available for download. As ususal the release may be downloaded from the Zenphoto WEB site

The release announcement may be viewed here: http://www.zenphoto.org/2010/03/zenphoto-1-2-9/


  • There is a problem with installing release 1.2.9 on servers whose PHP does not contain `gettext()` (language translation) support. The solution is to move the lines:

    if(!function_exists("gettext")) {
    $noxlate = -1;
    } else {
    $noxlate = 1;

    up to the front of the setup.php script--just before the `define('OFFSET_PATH', 2);` line.
This discussion has been closed.