Missing Admin

Hi, Zen Photo looks like a great plugin but I have been trying for an age to get working and having just watched your screenshots it seems I am missing something, i don't have an admin page. so, when i go to insert the ZenPhoto in my post I can't seem to be able to include any photos. Am I supposed to create an album, somewhere? Would sooooooo appreciate some help, thanks.


  • You probably will have to expand on what you have posted.

    1. Under normal installations, Zenphoto is stand-alone. Sounds like you are trying to include it within something else?

    2. The admin pages are got to with the url: <your site>/zenphoto/zp-core/admin.php (assuming that you have installed into the zenphoto folder of your site.)

    3. You can create albums either by using FPT to populate the 'albums' folder with your albums or by using the upload facility of the admin pages.
  • kesbo Member
    Thanks for coming back to me. I installed Zenphoto from within the Wordpress plugins. I have this for the gallery URL:http://www.homesinharmony.co.nz/wp-content/gallery and this for the data path /home/homesinh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress. that is all I've done. When I go to my pages I see Zen Photo in the tool bar I can insert Zen Photo but I don't get an option to add any images, I get this in my post; [zenphotopress album=0 sort=random number=3]. I have also tried 2. as you suggested above but come up with error page cannot be found.
  • kesbo Member
    P.S. I'm quite happy to pay for some assistance.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    To use ZenphotoPress you also need to install Zenphoto on your server as you did with Wordpress. Without Zenphoto ZenphotoPress of course does nothing.
  • kesbo Member
    Thanks, I thought I had done that directly from within the Wordpress admin in plugins. the way it is worded there looks as though it's all one package. I just assumed Zenphoto was part of the deal with this discription;

    ZenphotoPress is a plugin for WordPress that makes it easier
    to add images stored in a Zenphoto gallery into a blog.
    It provides:
    An interface for adding images into posts and pages
    A shortcode for generating galleries automatically
    A widget for displaying images
    ZenphotoPress 1.7 is fully compatible with
    WordPress 2.9 and Zenphoto 1.2.7.
    For older Wordpress versions, download Zenphotopress 1.… By Alessandro Morandi.
  • kesbo Member
    Never mind too tricky for a dummy like me, I've just changed plugins.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You just need to understand that Zenphoto is a standalone gallery CMS. ZenphotoPress is a Wordpress plugin to use images from Zenphoto within Wordpress post, but you have to install both independently. It's that simple.
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