i'm with zenphoto 1.2.9 and default theme. whatever the value of images_per_pages put in the admin pages (12, 16, 20), the album page display 18 images.
I still do not understand. my theme has 4 columns, I should therefore have a multiple of 4 (16, 20, 24). I put 16 images_per_pages in the admin pages, the album display 18 thumbnails : that do not match.
could you explain how can i do to have 16 ou 20 thumbnails displayed in my case ?
Probably we cannot help you further than pointing you to the functions guide and themeing tutorials. This is because we have not made the theme you are using so really know nothing about it.
BTW, the function you looked up is the correct one. You would need to look at the parameters you have supplied it--they are what is "adjusting" your images per page value.
the theme i'm using to is a copy of default theme (the only change is the width of the theme).
to understand the problem, i've restored the the default theme and i put 16 images_per_pages in the admin pages, the album display 18 thumbnails : that still do not match.
still my problem: Having investigated, I discovered this line in the index.php file of default theme <? php if (defined ( 'WEBPATH')) die (); [...]; $ firstPageImages = normalizeColumns ('2 ', '6');?>
so I understood why I had 18 pictures when i put 16 images per pages in the admin tabs.
so, I changed to "$ firstPageImages = normalizeColumns ('2 ', '4');?>". if I put 12 pictures per page in the admin tabs, it works well, if I put 20, it works too, but if I put 16, I return with my 18 pictures.
What you describe does not make any sense. The normalizeColumns() function will make NO adjustments if the images per page set in the admin tabs is an even multiple of the second parameter. This is just basic math, no way for it to work with some of the multiples and not with all.
- I changed to "$ firstPageImages = normalizeColumns ('2 ', '4');?>" in index.php - I put 16 pictures per page in the admin tabs - my website is designed for 4 columns so, could you explain why i have 18 pictures ?
according to you (and the basic math ;-) i should have 16 pictures
whith 12 ou 20 images per pages in the admin tabs, all is going well so i still doon't understand where the problem is !
Well, you have to change that value on `album.php` actually! That site is using that page. `Index.php` is only for the main gallery page where normally the toplevel albums are listed and no images at all (that normalize stuff being there is confusing I admit...).
you're speaking oh this item : http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_template-functions.php.html#functionnormalizeColumns
I still do not understand.
my theme has 4 columns, I should therefore have a multiple of 4 (16, 20, 24).
I put 16 images_per_pages in the admin pages, the album display 18 thumbnails : that do not match.
could you explain how can i do to have 16 ou 20 thumbnails displayed in my case ?
my website for exemple : http://vincent.bourganel.free.fr/zenphoto/index.php?album=Vacances+Ete+2009+Vars
thanks a lot
BTW, the function you looked up is the correct one. You would need to look at the parameters you have supplied it--they are what is "adjusting" your images per page value.
to understand the problem, i've restored the the default theme and i put 16 images_per_pages in the admin pages, the album display 18 thumbnails : that still do not match.
my website for exemple : http://vincent.bourganel.free.fr/zenphoto/index.php?album=Vacances+Ete+2009+Vars
could you help me to put the "right" paramaters in the "right" function ?
still my problem:
Having investigated, I discovered this line in the index.php file of default theme
<? php if (defined ( 'WEBPATH')) die (); [...]; $ firstPageImages = normalizeColumns ('2 ', '6');?>
so I understood why I had 18 pictures when i put 16 images per pages in the admin tabs.
so, I changed to "$ firstPageImages = normalizeColumns ('2 ', '4');?>".
if I put 12 pictures per page in the admin tabs, it works well, if I put 20, it works too, but if I put 16, I return with my 18 pictures.
Is the function normalizeColumns works well?
- I changed to "$ firstPageImages = normalizeColumns ('2 ', '4');?>" in index.php
- I put 16 pictures per page in the admin tabs
- my website is designed for 4 columns
so, could you explain why i have 18 pictures ?
according to you (and the basic math ;-) i should have 16 pictures
whith 12 ou 20 images per pages in the admin tabs, all is going well
so i still doon't understand where the problem is !
see my website, under construction
If normalizecolumns no point in index.php of the default theme, it would be better off.
thank you for your help!