Installed 1.2.9 , got deprecated getSubAlbums error

Error Log Entires
[02-Mar-2010 00:41:59] PHP Notice: getSubAlbums is deprecated. Use getAlbums(). in /home/bbcgphot/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-album.php on line 1429
[02-Mar-2010 00:41:59] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bbcgphot/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-album.php:1429) in /home/bbcgphot/public_html/zenphoto/themes/default/album.php on line 2

I am not talented enough to figure out where to change the reference to getSubAlbums


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This should not happen with the latest 1.2.9 release? Do you use that?
  • Yes, I upgraded via automatic upgrade per for my Hostmonster hosted site (simplescripts part of my Hostmonster pkg) to version 1.2.9. Initially it did not look right, so I restored the backup ver, but upon looking into sub menu albums they were still messed up, so I auto-installed the upgrade again, showing ver 1.2.9 per my simplescripts access. I am currently backing up the album files and hierarchy. Should I uninstall Zen completely , and re-install new or could it be something more easily fixed ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As written both on the forum rules and the installation instructions we neither recommend nor support installation helper scripts like SimpleScripts. These kind of errors are reported frequently. Please install it manually as described on our installation page.

    Also if you use a none official theme it might not be fully compatible with 1.2.9 as well.
  • fns Member
    Did you resolve this, bbcg59? Happened to me too, and before I go to manual install, thought I'd check. A Google search on this error shows that it is ocurring on many people's albums. I realize this is outside of Zen's support purview, but it certainly will turn a lot of folks off toward Zenphoto...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a plugin for `deprecated function` included in the release but in some time in the future they will be removed. So if you are not using a standard theme or any still mainted third party one you will have to update it yourself (the error tells you what to replace with what).
  • philby Member
    Not using a standard theme here, and getting "deprecated" errors. However, I find it pretty hard to see "the error tells you what to replace with what". One error I see is
    Notice: Funktion is deprecated. in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 376
    the other
    printsortablealbumlink() in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 60

    Both of which don't presently tell me much.

    Guess I'm in for a few hours of fun searching the forums and trying to decipher the very geeky docs.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You will of course need to search the theme files of the theme you are using for the function you get the notice about.

    The 2nd you mention tells you even exactly where to look.

    Normally notices about deprecated function also tell you also what to use as a replacement.

    very geeky docs
    If you talk about the function documentation that is created automatically from the comments in the code and standard functions documentation We really have no resources to maintain something like that manually. This would most certain lead to outdated entries that we will also get complains about.
  • If you look at the function that is generating the warning message you will see the function it is using as a replacement. That does not seem so difficult to me and should take considerably less than a few hours searching.
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