Display subalbums or images (Not both)

Hi Everybody.

I'm trying to customize the default theme.
In the album page, subalbum and images are display together.
I would like to display just subalbum or just images.

For that, i've made something like this :


<?php if($_SESSION["DAOP"]==0){?>


<?php } ?>

<?php if($_SESSION["DAOP"]==1){?>


<?php } ?>

It seems to be good. Unhapilly, the printPageListWithNav function will create navigation counting subalbums and images, but not only for those who are display.

Is there a way to create something like de printPageListWithNav function but just for subalbums or just for images ?

Excuse for my so poor English.

I hope that somebody will undestand my message.

Thanks a lot for your help

Have a nice day



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is always possible to custom code something specific. It's just code. But depends on your abilities of course.

    Generally the only way without codingto get that what you want is to not use subalbums and images together within an album.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is always possible to custom code something specific. It's just code. But depends on your abilities of course.

    Generally the only way without codingto get that what you want is to not use subalbums and images together within an album.
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