To adding in script rss*.php, a channel image, i've writing another script, nammed 'rss-image.php'.
This use this code :
$img_rss_theme_name = getCurrentTheme();
$img_rss_name = 'Logo_fleur_B5AF92_289x350px.png';
$img_rss_root = '/themes/'.$img_rss_theme_name.'/images/'.$img_rss_name;
$img_rss_width = '289';
$img_rss_height = '350';
<title><?php echo get_language_string(getOption('gallery_title'), $locale)." - News "; ?><?php if(!empty($cattitle)) { echo $cattitle ; } ?></title>
<url><?php echo FULLWEBPATH.$img_rss_root;?></url>
<link><?php echo $serverprotocol."://".$host.WEBPATH; ?></link>
<width><?php echo $img_rss_width;?></width>
<height><?php echo $img_rss_height;?></height>
this file is include by php calling in others scripts rss*.php : include('rss-image.php');
Certainly, it's possible to improve this ;-)
Certainly, it's possible to include in native code of zengallery, isn't-it ?!
You could open ticket for this so we might consider this later and it does not get forgotten. Thanks.