I have a file in .mov format. In the admin panel the default height is set to 390 by 520. I wish to change it to 720 by 1280, but when I hit save, the default settings return and the new ones are not retained!
Second issue is that when watching the quicktime .mov, the there are no visible quicktime controls? I can only start it by double clicking?
Please assist or advise
2. Have a link maybe? Normally there should be controls at the bottom. Maybe that depends on the quicktime/system (if using Mac).
Update: I can reproduce that changed values always default back. So that's a bug. I can't reproduce on my computer (Mac) that there are no controls. The controller display is actually set with ``.
Regarding the controls I have no idea sorry. Probably something is different on Windows Quicktime I don't know about but we followed the official guides (unless they change something...).
@jeremyg: Bugs can of course be discussed on the forum but the best is indeed to open a ticket because on the forum things easily get lost. I will close the ticket.