I want to use both the printalbummenu and the printpagemenu in my sidebar, but somehow I can't get this to work. When viewing an album, both the menu's are displayed, but when I click on a the link of a page, the printalbummenu items disappear.
You can see what I mean by clicking on the link 'nieuwste' or 'freelance opdrachten' in the sidebar:
- nieuwste
echo "<ul id=\"subdivisions\">";
$hoofdalbum = getAlbumLinkURL();
$zenpagina = getPageURL($page);
$fotografie = 'fotografie';
$pos = strpos($hoofdalbum, $fotografie);
if ($pos==true) {
$_zp_current_zenpage_page = new ZenpagePage("fotografie");
echo "";
The reason for the php code in front of the printPageMenu is because later I want to add another gallery with its own subpages displayed.
Either you change it to use toplevel albums for that or you have to set the current toplevel album manually similar to `$_zp_current_zenpage_page = new ZenpagePage("fotografie");`. There are functions for that makeCurrentAlbum() (please see the doc for exact details.).
Could you give me a little help with this?