Starting from the top... I uploaded the entire package. When I type in my URL I get:
"MySQL Error: Could not connect to the database server."
or after uploading photos, I get:
"MySQL Error: Could not connect to the database server. MySQL Query ( SELECT *, (date + 0) AS date FROM albums WHERE `folder`='testphotos' LIMIT 1; ) Failed. Error: Access denied for user 'kapoosta'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"
I put /zenphoto in the .htaccess file.
I changed zp-config.example to just zp-config
I contacted my host and they were stumped.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also, when it says "If you haven't created the database yet, now would be a good time."
How does one build a database.?
Sorry for being a big poopiehead.
Once again, any help would mean a lot.
Thank you.
create a database with your web host company(if you dont know how to do this, ask your web host)
open your zp-config.php.example
edit the database values as you pertains to your database.. if you dont know this information. ask your webhost.
save the file as zp-config.php(you said you saved it as z-config)
open your web browser and browse to domain.com/zenphoto/zen/setup.php and run the install.
if mod-rewrite is enabled on your server, modify the rewrite base in your .htaccess file to reflect your zenphoto install directory.(if you dont know if mod rewrite is enabled ask your web host)
if mod rewrite is not enabled on your server, disable it in your zp-config.php(set it to false)
make sure you chmod777 your albums and cache directory.
you should be all set from this point.. looks so far for you, you havent set up your database tables and just need to run setup.
I will follow your steps and contact my host.
Much appreciated.
MySQL Error: Could not connect to the database server.
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/scrapit.awardspace.com/zenphoto/zen/functions-db.php:19) in /home/www/scrapit.awardspace.com/zenphoto/zen/auth_zp.php on line 35
Ive done everything in the instructions except I dont know what "make sure you chmod777 your albums and cache directory. " means.
I think I need my hand held!