I want to offer some friends the possibility to upload their fotos in parts of my galeries, and they have very limited photo processing skills.
So, I am looking for a setting or filter or functionality to limit the max. size of the fullscreen images. I want to discard their originally uploaded pictures and only keep a downsized version of a configured max size.
Example: They love to take 8Mpixel fotos (or even more) which are >4mb each... I dont want to waste that much webspace, and I want to have them downsized on 1MB/image max...
Is that possible somewhere somehow?
a) Change the file size uload limit on your server directly. That can be done in the php.ini file on your server. But you will have to ask your host if and how you can do that.
b) Easier but involves hacking a core file: Open the file `zp-core/admin-upload.php` and add a definition option for "sizeLimit" in the js defines around lines 352-359 as described on http://www.uploadify.com/documentation/.
This will work only for the multi file flash upload. Maybe it would be an idea to have that as an option for the next release.
I am not sure if downsizing can be done via a filter on upload. My collegue will know more about that. Note that in any case your server must be able to handle images of that sizes, too. And it is not the file size but the dimensions that matter. Please read also: