Your setup page looks like it's truncated -- there should be more output after those two warnings (and the warnings are fine, your site will work with those warnings).
Okay, you're speaking over my head. I'm a wed designer (Photoshop guy) not a programer. Don't even know what truncated means or what an error log is. lol
All I know is that I followed the instructions and this is the result. I did it twice just to be sure.
These errors are about configurations on your server. Especially if you are web designer you should know some basics. Good web desing is not using Photoshop alone...:-)
So your server has an error log that you neede to look at. If you don't know where that is ask your host. Also ask them to turn off magic quotes (you did read the link I post?).
It turns out that since my account was opened several years ago that it was an older version of PHP. So that problem is now solved.
However, the GoDaddy rep I spoke to had no idea what Magic Quote was. Your instructions about disabling it don't help me since I can't even find a file called .ini I have no idea what this is
I tried modifying the .htaccess file, but that didn't do anything.
A new error has come up about mbstring, whatever that is.
Also, I'm now getting an error that it can't connect to the MySQL database. I filled in the correct info, but it still shows an error.
Installing Zenphoto is not more difficult than Wordpress. Seems we just check a few more things and we do so because people had problems with certain things which resulted a lot of questions. So we warn about possible issues beforehand.
Your host really should know what magic_quotes are...not positively about that host...
mbstring is a warning and no error (yes, there is a difference) and it is explained on setup itself. If you don't want to use those characters you can ignore it.
If you can't connect to your database the data you entered is not correct. Most likely "localhost" as the database server is not correct. Sharedhosts have their own database server that needs to be entered here.
not sure about godaddy, but i know some hosts (including 1and1, which i use) don't allow all php variables to be set in .htaccess. a possible work around is using php.ini, which in my case needs to be in every directory with .php files in order to make changes for those files. i have a file named "php.ini" in every folder of my zp install that has the lines:
` [PHP]
# turn magic quotes off magic_quotes_gpc = Off
# set internal encoding to UTF-8 mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 ` variables you need to set this way may vary depending on your host.
The seconde error is explained on our troubleshooting as noted:
Anything in your error log?
All I know is that I followed the instructions and this is the result. I did it twice just to be sure.
So your server has an error log that you neede to look at. If you don't know where that is ask your host. Also ask them to turn off magic quotes (you did read the link I post?).
However, the GoDaddy rep I spoke to had no idea what Magic Quote was. Your instructions about disabling it don't help me since I can't even find a file called .ini I have no idea what this is
I tried modifying the .htaccess file, but that didn't do anything.
A new error has come up about mbstring, whatever that is.
Also, I'm now getting an error that it can't connect to the MySQL database. I filled in the correct info, but it still shows an error.
Why is this so difficult? I've recently added WordPress and Joomla with no problems So I'm not a complete idiot
Your host really should know what magic_quotes are...not positively about that host...
mbstring is a warning and no error (yes, there is a difference) and it is explained on setup itself. If you don't want to use those characters you can ignore it.
If you can't connect to your database the data you entered is not correct. Most likely "localhost" as the database server is not correct. Sharedhosts have their own database server that needs to be entered here.
Thanks for your help.
# turn magic quotes off
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
# set internal encoding to UTF-8
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8
variables you need to set this way may vary depending on your host.