I'm not sure how this is possible. One Album returns a completely empty list in Firefox on Mac. This happens on two different Macs with different internet connections. The same page works perfect in all other browsers that I've checked (Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox PC). The same script works fine with other albums. It also works in FirefoxMac when called from MAMP locally.
Does anyone have an idea on how this is happening?
This is the code from the php file:
<?php setOption('images_per_page', 9, false); ?>
<?php $g=3; // Amount of Thumbs per group. ?>
<?php $h=9; // Amount of Thumbs per page. ?>
<?php $e=1; $f=$g; ?>
<?php while (next_image()) { ?>
<?php if (hasNextImage()=='' || $e==$h ) { break; } elseif ($e==$f) { echo "</ul>"; $e++; $f=$f+$g; } else { $e++; }} ?>
<?php printPageListWithNav('«', '»', false, true, 'pagination', NULL, true, 7); ?>
Update: I just noticed that this only occurs when viewing the page as admin.
Is this related to security? I am using class-textobject to call html pages which use a java script that loads an xml with a list of images to build a 360 panorama display. The xml and the images are in a subfolder of the album which is unpublished.
As long as it only happens to admin in Firefox it's not a problem for me. Admin in Chrome and Safari work fine though.
Did you try with a standard theme to make sure it is not an issue with yours? There is no security that should only work with one browser involved. WE use textobjects for Youtube etc videos on our screencast section as well.
I am using textobjects in another album with the same script for Vimeo videos and that's working fine.
I will reinstall the gallery with a fresh database soon. Lets see if the problem persists after that.
I have excluded each of the other js that are used at this stage one by one - nothing.
It must be something within the albums directory itself because if I use the same script on another album with Vimeo videos it works.
This is the content of the html files:
// hide URL field on the iPhone/iPod touch
function hideUrlBar() {
window.scrollTo(0, 1);
window.addEventListener("load", hideUrlBar);
window.addEventListener("resize", hideUrlBar);
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", hideUrlBar);
This content requires HTML5/CSS3, WebGL, or Adobe Flash Player Version 9 or higher.
// check for CSS3 3D transformations and WebGL
if (ggHasHtml5Css3D() || ggHasWebGL()) {
// use HTML5 panorama
// create the panorama player with the container
pano=new pano2vrPlayer("container");
// add the skin object
skin=new pano2vrSkin(pano);
// load the configuration
// hide the URL bar on the iPhone
// add gyroscope controller
gyro=new pano2vrGyro(pano,"container");
} else
if (swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("9.0.0")) {
var flashvars = {};
var params = {};
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
params.allowfullscreen = "true";
var attributes = {};
attributes.id = "pano";
attributes.name = "pano";
attributes.align = "middle";
"/zen/albums/360/apartment/apartment.swf", "container",
"1024", "576",
"9.0.0", "",
flashvars, params, attributes);
Why do you have that as a hardcoded file at all. It would probably be better to write a plugin to handle this swf files directly similar like the textobject plugin.
Also since it is flash it might be an issue with Firefox and flash.
Besides, as I said earlier, if this only affects admin in Firefox I can live with it. Any other user can see this page as intended.
I'll probably get to finish the site over the weekend and post a link when done.
I will take a look at the link then later (if you are doing a complete custom theme maybe even submit to the showcase gallery - be sure to read the info link on the first page)
I re-installed but the issue remains.
and the header plus footer is what's being sent to Firefox when logged in as admin. The actual image.php which contains most of the exotic js works fine.
This page is using the same script (just has a different layout) and works fine.
If I use this script on the panorama album it also fails.
Since I am not loggedin all works of course as intended for me. Since only the panorama script is different it must be something with it.
But at least normal vistors see all.
The panorama script is not loaded at this stage. It only gets called in the actual image page - not the album. The image page works when I enter the url and shows the panorama. Its the album that doesn't show any of the thumbnails and brings up no links.
Also when I had everything set up locally using MAMP I never had that issue. So I'm not entirely sure if it is js related and not perhaps because of a different configuration on the server. But I'm no specialist in this area so I can only guess.
MAMP can be a bit different than live servers (it is not setup strict since locally only) but I never noticed any difference in that regard.
I have just made an exact duplicate of the album with the exact same content and guess what - the duplicate works fine. I set everything the same, except of course the actual directory name. Could there be glitch or corruption in the database?