Ajax zenphoto theme (in development)

Hi all,

After several months I came back to a zenphoto theme I started long ago.
I wanted to do something nice with jQuery/AJAH, but simple and not heavy.

I mostly worked on album.php so far because that's where the major part of the stuff happens. You can see a demo here:

It requires to change 1 line in jquery.editinplace.js, the rest works from within the theme folder. Unfortunately I discovered only yesterday the discussions about the Galleria and Silhouette themes, and I saw many interesting ideas that I wanted to implement too...
Anyway - if you guys find it interesting and if I have some time available I will clean the code (;]) and make a release.

Comments welcome (it's still in development though)!
- T


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, we welcome any third party theme and if the look of your theme is different from the others that is surely no problem.

    Regarding the jquery.editinplace.js I would suggest that you implement that within the theme directly. That of course requires that you call other needed js files within the standard js call`<?php zenJavascript(); ?>` manually. But the benefit would be that no one needs to hack anything to run the theme.

    Also I strongly suggest to work with the latest release or even the nightly (you are using 1.2.8).

    Also note if you have full JS powered page without individual image pages the rss feed will cause trouble as they link to the individual image pages.See the documentation how to set the rss feeds to display albums instead images.
  • Thanks a lot for your feedback.
    This is indeed my 'test-public' environment, which does not use the latest build of zenphoto.

    I will keep on working on this theme, implement image pages later on, and tweak the RSS situation accordingly.
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