how to set $_zp_current_album to top/parent context?

Hello, I tried to figure out, but seems I need advice on this and will very very apreciate it.

In my custom theming index I use div on the right which lists text links to all top/parent albums (check, and now I would like to have this "link list right div" also on album and image pages.

For this I use while next_album() loop. It works on index, but not on album/image pages.

I figured out why it's not working from documentation. The $_zp_current_album context is set to the album I'm in and as there are no sub-albums, it doesn't list anything.

I need to temporarily change the context so $_zp_current_album would be the root. But as I'm not as much experienced in php, I didn't find out. Can anyone please help?

Thanks very much


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