I apologise if this is the wrong place to post this.
My website is viewable at
http://rosstest.netne.net/zenphotoI am using the theme zpGallerific, downloaded from zenphoto.org.
All I really want to do is be able to add an external link to the menu across the top of my page. I can see that I'll have to edit the header.php file, but can't work out exactly how t do it?
Alternatively, I'm happy for the link at the top to forward to an internal page if I could then redirect it to an external link - does that make sense?
So at the moment I have a page called Buy Prints which appears in the menu. I would like when a user clicks that to go to an external url one way or another.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am therefore not that familiar with that theme but I guess you have to add it manually to the list within the header.php file.