I thought I had fully integrated zenphoto into WP but I'm still having problems on the individual image page.
Here's the page:
http://www.nuttyfamily.com/wp/zen/DadsOffice/IMG_2170.JPGWhen viewed on Firefox 1.5 and IE 6, everything is fine except the Image Title doesn't show up. The title should say "Pretending to be working like Daddy".
When viewed with Firefox 2.0 Beta the Image Title shows up but the page is out of whack.
I think it's something to do in the css with images, image, imgnav, and gallerytitle classes but have not been able to figure it out.
Can anyone take a look and see if they see the problem ?
I have removed zen.css and merged it into my Mesozoic style.css here:
http://www.nuttyfamily.com/wp/wp-content/themes/mesozoic-20/style.cssThanks, I've already spent a couple of hours on this and hope someone can help out.
It was not my css but I had modified my image.php file. Of course my edits had issues but didnt know it.
What I learned was that I should always view the source of the page in my browser and carefully look at my tags to make sure they are well formed.
No, I'm still using the album and image pages from the ZP default theme. I did modify them to get rid of some items, like the ability to post comments on the image page. I took the zen.css file and merged the entries into my mesozoic wp theme style.css file and then deleted the zen.css file altogether.
I had to modify the ZP index.php file to call the php files that generate the header, sidebar, and footer bar.
Most of what I learned is from a forum post here
about integrating the 2 softwares, particularly the responses from Chilifrei64.
The hardest part has been merging the 2 css files and getting rid of the conflicts.