Image Title from EXIF

how would i assign Image Title From exif ?
the description is been taken from exif of my image but somehow image title is not taking it and instead put the filename as title.

please help


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You would have to enter the title in the EXIF field of the image. That works fine with Photoshop for example.
  • dear acrylian i have full exif in my image with title, description and tags with so many iptc information filled up.

    zenphoto taking the description but not the title. when uploaded
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, sorry, it is working for me with Photoshop thus my question.
  • anybody on how to automatic apply Image Title from exif ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said it generall works. You did neither tell what program you use to add the meta data nor what images exactly does not work. Note that PNG files do not support EXIF.
  • well i have jpg having all exif details in it.
    i write all my exif details in Capture NX or View NX and save raw and export jpg and work on that in photoshop. after working i kept the EXIF in image as it is so it can be used on sites.

    I load all image in lightroom then so i can search at anytime i want to through keyword and all that.

    now when i upload that image to zenphoto. actually the Image title should be automatically taken from exif instead of that in my zenphoto it gets filename (e.g. DSC_0439.jpg)

    so how would i setup zenphoto so that it grabs the Image Title from the exif itself.
  • here is the reference.

    if you see title says : _BRS4297 where if you see the bottom dark grey selected metadata it has title in it.

    hope you've got what i am trying to say
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am sadly not the exif expert which is my collegue who is away for a few days. But I remember that others have issues with Lightroom and exif as it uses a wrong encoding for the exif tags which causes issues. Please try to remove the @ character.

    Please try a forum search regarding exif and lightroom, I don't have the threads at hand.
  • well my issue is not with lightroom or @. i have 100s of files which has plain text "Rock Pigeon" or "Steppe Eagle" etc without quotes in title of the image but somehow zenphoto takes the filename as title not the title from exif when uploaded through zenphoto admin.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, sorry, then I have no idea. Best is you open a ticket and attach one of the images in question so my collegue can take a look when he returns.
  • where should i post ticket ? i am just new to the zenphoto and really excited to port as i think this is the only one appplication available which can ease my things to port a big bird photogallery.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please see the bugtracker link top right of the site. You have to register first then you can create a ticket.
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