Change comment notification email

It seems that Zenphoto sends comment notifications to the "Principal" administrator whenever a comment is posted. Is there a way to alter this? For example, because I am administrating the website for my client, I am the Principal account with full permissions. My client is set up to administer fewer things so that he does not get confused by changing themes and other options that aren't related to his workflow.

However, I get notified whenever a comment is posted, not him. I would like to switch this around. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can achieve this?

Thanks in advance


  • There is an option in the admin back-end for this under `Options` -> `Comment`.
  • @kagutsuchi Thanks for the tip, but there is only a field to turn off emailing the admin. I would like to change who it is emailed to, from the Master admin to another admin. Or at least also include the other admin.
  • Sorry, I missed that part. I don't think that's currently possible. You could, however, create a new filter using `filter-comments` as a template. It does pretty much exactly what you want it to do (except only e-mailing one person).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Does the client have comment rights? I thought that he would get emails then, too. Sbillard is the user management expert but away till next week.

    If you want to avoid custom coding:
    An easy but a little inconvenient way, would be to change your admin email address to that of the client so he gets the mails.
    And an much easier alternative for him would also be to use the comment RSS feed.
  • I too had assumed that with comments checked for any administrator, they would receive notifications, but it seems to not work that way. I even tested it out myself by creating a separate id for an alternate email adddress of mine. Notifications seem to go just to the Master admin. (maybe there's something here for the wish list?

    The RSS feed may be a good way around this, if the client is comfortable. I don't want to give the client full admin priviledges, not only to prevent him messing stuff up, but more so that the admin is simpler and thus easier for him to comprehend.

    thanks for the input
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Best you open a ticket for this so sbillard sees it on his return (as said he is most familiar with the user rights stuff).
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