Is there any way to set the system so that if a user modifies a single image ( changes description, edits thumbnail etc ) the album containing that image becomes the first album in the gallery display?...
If you set to filemtime the gallery order of course does not change until there is a change.
The image_album_statisticcs plugin is not meant to replace the normal album/image loops, it is for displaying the "x images or album" of the given setting. So there is of course no pagination.
"If you set to filemtime the gallery order of course does not change until there is a change."
I realise that... I have several different user accounts whilst we are testing... The gallery order updates once after filemtime is selected. subsequent uploads by different users have no effect.
Did you try to refresh the database (button on the admin overview). That forces Zenphoto to check the filesystem with the database as Zenphoto is filesystem based.
There is also a sortorder for subalbums in an album on each album admin page.
Logout returns you to the page you were on when the logout occurred. If you want to direct somewhere else, you would have to cause your logout form to set that "location" as query parameters. See particularly lines 159-167 of auth_zp.php
Is there anyway to set the gallery order to display the most recent modified album?
If that fails, you can use the functions of the `image_album_statistics` plugin to achieve what you want. (
It update the gallery once and thats it!...
image_album_statistics does what i need, However now I have lost the ability to select the next page in the gallery...
Must be doing something very wrong.
The image_album_statisticcs plugin is not meant to replace the normal album/image loops, it is for displaying the "x images or album" of the given setting. So there is of course no pagination.
I realise that... I have several different user accounts whilst we are testing... The gallery order updates once after filemtime is selected. subsequent uploads by different users have no effect.
Its gonna be something simple I am missing
There is also a sortorder for subalbums in an album on each album admin page.
We have it set so you have a main gallery and within that each user has one album they can upload to... only admin can create subalbums...
image_album_statistics worked straight out of the box and updated as it should but we need the pagination as well...
The problem is now sorted.
However... when you use a custom index page "as per Gallery index page link in options/theme" how do you set logout to reference that page?