Hey there,
I have a weird problem with my zenphoto over the past few weeks. When I go to my admin page and it doesnt matter what computer i do it on, it allows me to upload pictures and delete them. I will not give me the login screen. If i hit the logout button and then try something i will have to login but not the first time going to this. Also if someone goes to the site, they can change the comments just by going to the link. I've searched the forums and could not find this particular issue. Has anybody noticed this before. I know when i first installed this it did work and i haven't made any changes other that uploading a few pics, and all of a sudden it started working like this.
N E Ideas??????
anything modified..
what happens if you reupload the admin.php in the zen directory?
then from firefox, install "View Cookies" from
restart your browser then from within firefox, go to your site and right click on the page and select "page info" in there there will be a "Cookies" tab. Select the one that says zenphoto_auth and
1. see what it says. it should have
name: zenphoto_auto
value: some random string
domain/Path: path.to.domain.com/zenphoto
Expires: date/of/expiration
so make note of what it says...
2. Select Remove all cookies from this list.
restart your browser
go to your site and see if it still happens. Post back and let me know what happens.