Hi there,
Please could one of you geniuses help me with the getCustomImageURL function.
Right now I'm trying to use the function to resize, regardless of dimension and AR, an image so that whatever size the source is the image is resized down proportionately first so that the height is 480 pixels and then cropped so that the width is then 320 pixels.
I'm using the following call:
320 x 480 Wallpaper`
While this works, the picture is resized proportionately and a 320 wide pixel area is cropped, the area cropped isn't the center of the image, it's offset to the left and o is usually the 2nd quarter or something like that.
How can i change my call to crop the central 320 pixel area of the image after proportionately resizing?
The correct usage of a function is `getCustomImageURL(NULL, 320,480, 320, 480, NULL, NULL)` which is also explained on our user guide.
The guide contains no usage guides and so the cropx/cropy doesn't really make any sense without further explanation?
Does the cropx value set start of the crop relative to the left then? how would i use this function to take the central 320 x 480 from a 1024 x 768 image for example? If somebody could explain the usage of the cropx and cropy parameters for this example I'm sure i could work out the rest.
Am i along the right lines assuming that is the image was 1024 and i wanted the central 320 the cropx start point would be 1024-320/2 and so would be 352? I do not get the expected results when i use this....
Thanks for any help.