problem with video/photostory

I've read until I'm dizzy. I don't seem to be able to get my video to even show. I uploaded it several different ways. I changed the format to mpeg4 like I was told. I uploaded it from my computer but also from photobucket. I uploaded everything to the "uploaded" directory (was that wrong?). I downloaded and installed in the same directory ffmpeg-0.5.1.tar.bz2 like I was told to do. Then I created and installed in the same directory a thumbs.cmd containing the following:
. REM .....START
@Echo Off
FOR /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('dir *.flv /b') do @ffmpeg -i "%%a" -an -ss 00:00:01 -an -r 1 -vframes 1 -y "%%~na.jpg"
REM .....END

So, what's the problem? I have the video and a thumbnail with the same name.

I just came from my cpanel and had a look at the files. I got a http 404 not found error so it has to be something I did or didn't do that I should have or shouldn't have done.

Could it be it's all in the wrong folder?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I use the mac variant ffmegX as a standalone applications on my computer and never used these commands. How you install ffmeg on your server directly and if you even can do that on your webspace you have to ask your provider. This has nothing to do with Zenphoto itself. You do never install anything in the "uploaded" folder. That is only meant for files that are not gallery items and uploaded via the "manage files" buttons on Zenpage admin pages for pages and articles.

    Videos and their thumbs need to be within a folder within the root albums folder like images do.

    Additionally, you should not enable two flash video player plugins at the time, either flowplayer3 or flvplayer.
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