I just upgraded from v1.2.5 to v1.2.9 and now have the following error message in the "Action" column for *all* installed themes: Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /xxx/xxx/public_html/zp-core/admin-functions.php on line 2343. Lines 2342-2345 in the php file read:
`2342 function themeIsEditable($theme, $themes) {
2343 $zplist = unserialize(getOption('Zenphoto_theme_list'));
2344 return (!in_array( $theme , $zplist));
2345 }`
Any suggestions for what I should do?
You may want to verify that all of your Zenphoto files have updated correctly. Otherwise, I'm not exactly sure what else could be the problem. Some information regarding your server setup might be helpful.
What information regarding server setup specifically would help you?