password reset and more...


A couple of questions:

1) where can I find the code to modify to send a custom message when a user requests a new password? I have been through pretty much every file and cant see the wood for the trees....

2) using 'queueSizeLimit': '', in admin upload I can set a maximum number of images for a user to upload. is there anyway of "locking" an album so once a user has uploaded their limit they have to delete images before they can add more?

Thanks in advance



  • 1. I believe the correct lines are in `zp-core/auth_zp.php` lines `139`-`140`. I think that, currently, the only way to edit the message is to manually edit those lines.

    2. A good way to do this is to set `queueSizeLimit` dynamically based on how many images are currently in the album. To find out how many images are in a user's album, you can use Zenphoto functions (or even a filesystem call if you have a way of determining the user's directory name).

    So if you have the maximum number of images per album defined, you can do something like:

    `queueSizeLimit = MAX_IMAGES_PER_ALBUM - $currentUserNumImages;`
  • 1) thanks sorted...

    2) Which function sets the maximum number of images in an album? If i can set that problem solved...

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    2) There is none. You will have to add one yourself as kagutsuchi suggested.
  • Ok...

    Could someone point me in the right direction here... I know less than nothing about php...

    This is the last bit that needs to be implemented before we put the project live... and its gonna be a good one...

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You got the direction that you need to hack the admin upload with an extra check for hte max number of images (hacking is of course not really recommended for obvious reasons). Since nothing for this exists and you say you know nothing about php you will probably not be able to do this.
  • Ok thanks. That is going to bring the project to a grinding hault, as part of the idea/functionality relies on limiting thenumber of images.

    As a last thought, would anyone be able to write this function and what would you charge for doing so?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you like you could contact me directly via email (on the site linked on my profile).
  • PM sent.
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