Hi, i was just wondering if there was a way to use light box on the 'printLatestImages' function? Cant seem to find where and what to edit to put in the 'rel=lightbox' part.
You have to look at the `printImageStatistic()` main function of the same plugin. If you would use Colorbox which needs to be included from `zp-core/js` you would not need to hack any file except your theme.
It won't work as that link links to the `image.php` page of the theme and not to the full image scripts like the lightbox require. You would have to change that link to `$image->getFullImage()`.
Include the files (see zenpage theme) and follow the instructions on http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/ It of course requires hacking that function, too.
getImageLink())."\" title=\"" . html_encode($image->getTitle()) . "\">\n";
How do i put the rel="lightbox" part in, always come up for an error with me.
Regards, Luke
It of course requires hacking that function, too.