Exif DateTime

I'm using printImageMetadata('', false,'exifdata');

With Canon 20D, 50D, Exif DateTimeOriginal give 2006:05:24 10:08:14
With Canon 7D, it give 2010-03-12T14:04:36.00+01:00
Is it possible to have something more readable


  • But of course. The printImageMetadata just prints what your camera records. To get something more readable you will have to format the data yourself rather than using that function.
  • Ok, I modify the printImageMetadata function:

    echo "<table id=\"$dataid\"" . ($toggle ? " style=\"display: none;\"" : '') . ">\n";
    foreach ($exif as $field => $value) {
    $display = $_zp_exifvars[$field][3];
    if ($display) {
    $label = $_zp_exifvars[$field][2];
    echo "<tr><td class=\"label\">$label:</td><td class=\"value\">";

    if ($field == "EXIFModel") $apn = $value;
    if ($field == "EXIFDateTimeOriginal") $value = exif_date($value, $apn);

    printEditable('image', $field, $editable, $editclass, $messageIfEmpty, false, $value);
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n</div>\n";

    function exif_date($date,$apn) {
    //'Model' => string 'Canon EOS 50D' (length=13)
    //50D: 'DateTimeOriginal' => string '2009:12:05 12:42:33' (length=19)

    //'Model' => string 'Canon EOS 7D' (length=12)
    //7D: DateTimeOriginal' => string '2010-02-20T15:07:05.24+01:00' (length=28)

    // -> 50D
    if (!preg_match("/7D/", $apn)) {
    $pieces = explode(' ', $date);
    list($yy, $mm, $dd) = explode(':', $pieces[0]);
    list($hh, $min, $ss) = explode(':', $pieces[1]);
    // 7D
    else {
    $pieces = explode('T', $date);
    list($yy, $mm, $dd) = explode('-', $pieces[0]);
    $pieces_h = explode('.', $pieces[1]);
    list($hh, $min, $ss) = explode(':', $pieces_h[0]);
    $timestamp = mktime((int) $hh, (int) $min, (int) $ss, (int) $mm, (int) $dd, (int) $yy, '-1');
    $date = date('d.m.Y à H:i',$timestamp);
    return $date;
  • I would suggest that instead of checking for the camera model, check for the time format itself. I suspect that other cameras use the ISO-8601 time format as well, and it would be a pain to keep updating the script for each camera model, rather than using a RegEx or similar to identify the time format, and display it accordingly. That would be more effective, and less maintenance.

    I know PHP's strftime function can format a date/time in ISO-8601 format, but am not sure if strtotime or a similar built-in function can parse it.

    Just my thoughts, as a programmer (though not specifically for PHP)! :-)
  • strtotime will parse any valid time format.
  • Many thanks!!!
    I didn't know the strtotime function.
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